Wednesday, August 27, 2008


What a great day. On 10:45 am 25th August 2008 (monday) , at Hospital Sultan Ahmad Shah, Temerloh Pahang aka HoSAS operation theater, a cute and healthy baby with 2.9kg of weight was born by a caesarean technique. That is my second child. Now now I have both, girl & boy. Actually, i really hope that i'll get baby boy..During my wife pregnancy, we have some medical check-up and scanning, its look like the baby is a girl on the scanner machine, and the doctor also said that my baby probably a girl. But makcik-makcik from sebelah rumah, mak2 saudara said that my baby probably a girl base on the shape perut wife i..Syukur Alhamdulillah ..semuanya selamat dan sihat..I'll name my son Muhammad Faheem Adib...


Pok Dell said...

Congrats wei!
Senyap2 jer ko dah membiak ek..
PB season 4 ko cari je kat google tu. Aku nyer file besar, 1 episod 1.2gig.

Admin said...

hoho.. selamat ad anak. haha. hepi2 sokmo. setttt